Recommendation of Award, P2014000052, Third Party Claims Administrator
The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (Water Authority) issued the subject Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit responses from qualified vendors to provide Third Party Claims Administrator services. The RFP was posted on the SICOMM website and advertised in the local newspapers.
Three responses were received and submitted for evaluation. On April 8, 2014, the Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee reviewed, evaluated, and scored the responses in accordance with the evaluation criteria published in the RFP. Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI) presented a comprehensive package of services along with the most competitive price. CCMSI has the most robust electronic claim data system and can provide the 24 hour adjusting services we need.
The Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee included Charles Kolberg, ABCWUA General Counsel; Patty Jenkins, ABCWUA Executive Services Coordinator; Jack Burkhard, Independent Consultant; and Karen Cunningham, Risk Program Manager. Listed below are the scores of the three respondents.
Offeror Total Composite Score
CCMSI 4136.0
Hospital Services Corporation 3420.0
Crawford & Company 2918.0
The committee recommended the award of a contract to CCMSI, as that company had the highest composite score, is qualified to perform the work, and meets the requirements of the RFP.
The funding is within the Risk Management Program approved in FY14 and contained in the FY/15 budget.