New Mexico Environment Department update for the Regulatory Authority and Implementation of Corrective Action Activities occurring at the Kirtland Air Force Base Bulk Fuels Facility Spill (KAFB BFF Spill) Site
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has been overseeing the planning and implementation of interim measure corrective action activities occurring at the Kirtland Air Force Base Bulk Fuels Facility Spill (KAFB BFF Spill) Site. In August, NMED and KAFB announced three primary interim measures tasks, including expansion of the soil vapor extraction (SVE) system to clean up the vadose zone, selection and implementation of technologies to start clean-up of the light non aqueous phase liquid plume, and selection and implementation of technologies to start clean-up of the dissolved phase ethylene dibromide plume. KAFB and their contractor, CB&I, have completed an aquifer test and are in the process of developing a plan for the expansion of the SVE system.